
Chris Domico

I live every single day of my life under threat of physical attack. One wrong move, and a good day can turn into hell instantly. Oddly enough, I am not in the military or living in a war-torn country.
Other human beings are not inflicting this pain on me. But the attacks I suffer are physical ones, and barring a major medical breakthrough, they can never be stopped permanently. These attacks come from within my body, and believe it or not, they are carried out with all the best intentions. My immune system is constantly trying to protect me from nothing, and in carrying out that mission, it is doing much more harm than good. Before I move on with this story, I should warn you that some of it is not necessarily going to be pleasant. However, with that warning, I urge you to read on. The immune system disease I’m about to describe to you is common, commonly misunderstood, often misdiagnosed, and can cause great emotional and physical pain and suffering. In telling you my story, I’m hopin [...]
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